Writing about music is a good substitute for working with music distribution or manufacture and was physically awash in new music all of the time and talking about them with people. I don’t do that nearly enough these days whether that has to do with me aging and being interested in more than just a hyper specific variety of a particular kind of hardcore or whether it’s because I don’t work directly with the physical mess of music any more. I’m likely more equipped to say something coherent about records now that I am not immersed. I don’t necessarily say things like:
We should buy a few of those. It’s another generic and shitty pop punk record but the same idiots who buy those generic so cal pop punk records with models on the cover will probably buy these.
I’m not saying that I’ve completely recovered but I don’t actively hate huge swathes of music as much as I used to. Pop punk is still awful. If you knew me back then you’re aware of how much shit I tend to talk and then walk back a few years later so don’t be surprised to see me deciding that something that I wasn’t ready for or on a label that I had issues with completely apart from the band in question is worth my time.
I don’t have the time or money to even attempt to review records as they come out. There are a bunch of people who have the financial and temporal resources to be more effective. If you are completely insane or need to effectively flush money down the toilet and want to send me something then get in touch via comments and I will gladly accept anything you want to, for all purposes, throw away by giving away.
This is also more likely than not an attempt at killing some of the awkward time left in the pandemic smack dab in between when everyone is vaccinated and we’re subsequently killed en masse by a fresh new import of mutant Covid-19. See y’all in hell, I guess.
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